Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, also know as WIC, is a program that is designed to help low-income pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants, and children 5 years old or younger who are at nutritional risk. The Vermont WIC program accomplishes this by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, information that can help provide healthy eating options including breastfeeding, and referrals to health care. If you are looking to know how to apply for WIC in Vermont, then read the information provided below.
Vermont WIC Enrollment Process
Pregnant women, new mothers, infants and children up to age 5 can be eligible for WIC if their household income is less than $863 per week for a family of four; or be enrolled in Medicaid or Dr. Dynasaur. Woman and children must be residents of Vermont, and meet income and health or nutrition guidelines to be eligible for WIC. Fathers, grandparents and foster parents may apply for children who are in their care. Not sure you qualify? Use this simple on-line pre-screening tool to check.
WIC Income Guidelines
Household Size* | Annual | Monthly | Twice-Monthly | Bi-Weekly | Weekly |
1 | $21,775 | $1,815 | $908 | $838 | $419 |
2 | $29,471 | $2,456 | $1,228 | $1,134 | $567 |
3 | $37,167 | $3,098 | $1,549 | $1,430 | $715 |
4 | $44,863 | $3,739 | $1,870 | $1,726 | $863 |
5 | $52,559 | $4,380 | $2,190 | $2,022 | $1,011 |
6 | $60,255 | $5,022 | $2,511 | $2,318 | $1,159 |
7 | $67,951 | $5,663 | $2,832 | $2,614 | $1,307 |
8 | $75,647 | $6,304 | $3,152 | $2,910 | $1,455 |
Each Add'l family member add | +$7,696 | +$642 | +$321 | +$296 | +$148 |
How to Apply for Vermont WIC Nutrition Services
1. Schedule an appointment
Contact them to set up an in-person visit. Call the district office serving your community and schedule an appointment at one of our many WIC locations across the state. You will also need to bring identification for family members applying and, income and residency proof to your appointment.
2. Meet with WIC nutrition staff
During your WIC visit we will:
* To screen for anemia we will do a finger stick blood test – during your pregnancy, after the birth of your baby; at your child’s 12 month and 18 month visits, and then yearly. We also offer a sensory test (no blood required) ages 2 and up.
When you talk with our nutritionists or nurses, we want to hear your questions about health and nutrition for you and your children. You'll be invited to nutrition workshops, breastfeeding support groups and cooking classes, like "How to make your own baby food". If you still have any questions about WIC use the contact information below:
Who is Vermont WIC for?
Income-eligible and nutritionally or medically at risk pregnant, postpartum or breastfeeding women, infants and children up to 5 years old.
How long can I stay on WIC?
You may stay on WIC as long as you meet the income, health, and age guidelines.
For women:
For babies and children:
What do I need to do to stay on WIC?
Every 6 months, WIC staff will check to see if you, or your child, still qualify for WIC. This is called recertification. You will need to make an appointment to see us and bring: