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How To Apply For WIC In Oregon

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, also know as WIC, is a program that is designed to help low-income pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants, and children 5 years old or younger who are at nutritional risk. The Oregon WIC program accomplishes this by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, information that can help provide healthy eating options including breastfeeding, and referrals to health care. If you are looking to know how to apply for WIC in Oregon, then read the information provided below.

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Oregon WIC Eligibility Guidelines
To find out more about WIC call a local WIC program near you, or call 211 toll-free. For TTY relay call 711 or 1-800-735-2900. Wondering if you might qualify for WIC? Visit this prescreening tool to find out. This is only a prescreening tool that will help you know if you might qualify. You will still need to make an appointment at the WIC clinic nearest you and be screened for eligibility in person.

Who Is Eligible For Oregon WIC Benefits?
WIC serves lower-income pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women, infants and children under age 5 who have health or nutrition risks. Many working families are part of WIC; 71 percent of Oregon WIC families are employed. Applicants must meet four criteria to be eligible for WIC:

  • Live in Oregon
  • Be a pregnant, postpartum or breastfeeding woman, an infant or a child under 5 years old
  • Have a household income less than 185% of poverty guidelines
  • Have a nutritional need or risk

Income Eligibility Criteria

Number of Person(s) in Household Annual Monthly Weekly
1 $21,978 $1,832 $423
2 $29,637 $2,470 $570
3 $37,296 $3,108 $718
4 $44,955 $3,747 $865
5 $52,614 $4,385 $1,012
6 $60,273 $5,023 $1,160
7 $67,951 $5,663 $1,307
8 $75,647 $6,304 $1,455
For each additional household member add: +$7,696 +$642 +$148

Individuals who can prove they are certified as fully eligible for Medicaid (the Oregon Health Plan), TANF, SNAP (Food Stamps) or FDPIR are considered automatically income eligible for WIC.

"Household" means:
a person or group of people, related or not, who usually (though not necessarily) live together and whose income and consumption of goods and services are related. In determining the size of household for a pregnant WIC applicant, count each fetus as an additional household member, unless the woman specifically waives the increase in number.

"Income" means:
Gross income, including overtime, before deductions for income taxes, employee's social security taxes, insurance premiums, bonds, etc. The determination of the amount of a household's gross income shall not be considered reduced for financial hardships, medical bills, or child support.

Income includes:

  • Cash from salary (including overtime), wages, fees
  • Net income from farm and non-farm self-employment
  • Social security (including SSI for disabled individuals)
  • Dividends or interest on savings or bonds, estates, trusts, or net rental income
  • Public assistance or welfare payments
  • Unemployment compensation
  • Government civilian employee or military retirement payments, or veteran's payments
  • Private pensions or annuities
  • Alimony or child support payment
  • Regular contributions from persons not living in the household
  • Net royalties
  • Student loan amounts in excess of attendance costs. Attendance costs are regular tuition and fees for students carrying at least a half-time workload as determined by the institution, and an allowance for books, supplies, and transportation required by the course of study
  • Other cash income or allowances from any resources that are readily available to the household

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